Saturday, January 30, 2010

Men find less powerful women more attractive !!!

A new study has proved that men prefer less powerful women.

In the study, led by Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania, psychologists showed positioning of people's photos played a vital role in determining how attractive and powerful he/she is perceived to be by the opposite sex.

According to lead researchers Brian Meier and Sarah Dionne, a powerful person is perceived as one, who stays at the top while less powerful are below.

So when people think of power differences, they literally think of spatial differences too.

During the study, researchers recruited 29 men and 50 women aged 19 were asked to look at images of people and rate their attractiveness on a scale of 1-750.

The participants were shown, in a random order, all of the images and advised that they would see images repeated during the study. Each image was both seen and rated twice. The only difference between the two viewings of each image was that image position was adjusted.

For example, if an image was first viewed on the bottom of the screen, it would later appear on the top.

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