Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How to plant confidence in your children!!!!!

Having confidence in one self is not an easy thing that can be done over night, and restoring confidence to a timid introvert person needs a great effort, and so parents should start building self confidence in their children since an early age so they would grow having their own powerful, confident personalities.

Some steps to help parents building confidence in their children’s hearts:

1-Praise your children in front of others but within limits as in praising them for finishing their homework, or accomplishing something successfully.

2-Don’t make them criticize themselves, but help them have faith in what they do.

3-Treat them respectfully, say “please” when asking them to do something and “thank you” when they do it.

4-Treat them as kids and let them enjoy their childhood but teach them to be independent.

5-Help them take their own decisions and don’t impose yours, give them the freedom of choice and let them bear the consequences of their choice, ask them their opinion and ask for it in a certain issue.

6-Teach them the skills of expressing their opinions and presentation, how to talk and how to express themselves in front of anybody.

Teach them how to have principles of their own as well as duties, how to go by them and stick to them.

7-Make them feel they’re important and that they are gifted.

8-Answer all their questions, keep your promises, and explain why you took certain decisions.

9-Help them making friends as children nowadays don’t know how to pick friends. Make them feel special and that they have God-given talents or abilities.

10-Tell them stories from their childhood, through which you can teach them some fundamental principles such as not to lie…etc..

11-Teach them how to refuse and how to say “no” against anything wrong, teach them how to defend themselves and their bodies.

12-Give them enough money.

13-Apologize for any obvious wrong doing from your part .

14-Don’t threaten them at all, but talk to them till they become convinced.

15-Share their ambitions and encourage them to accomplish their dreams.

16-Teach them how to face failure.

17-Hold them close, this helps them trust themselves.

18-Tell them you love them.

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