Thursday, February 18, 2010

Who are your real friends?

Some wise soul once said "True love is rare; True friendship rarer". So more difficult than finding our true love is finding our true friends. But that task just got easier.

We show you who you will be most compatible with and how to pick your real friends with the help of sun signs. 

Aries Best Friends: Gemini and Aquarius
The Aries friend is perfect for a night on the town but they need variety so they might be a little aloof if you try making plans for next week. They can be selfish and competitive too but are also known to be very warm when they truly consider someone a friend.

Taurus Best Friends: Pisces and Cancer
Taureans take friendship seriously and are very loyal friends. They'll be your BFF. They can be possessive of their friends but that's because they love you so much.

Gemini Best Friends: Aries and Leo

Geminis have lots of different kinds of friends that satisfy their twin personalities. They value friends 
who share the same intellect and wit.

Best Friends: Taurus and Virgo

Cancerians love to be complimented on their domestic skills and their ability to feed you and be a good host. Expect lots of invitations but if you hurt them once, they might take a while to get over it.

Best Friends
: Gemini and Libra

Leos love being surrounded by people. They like friends who appreciate them and in return add their Leo sunshine to their friend's lives
Virgo Best Friends: Cancer and Scorpio

Virgins are the most helpful friends and will always give you practical advice. They're not very expressive of their emotions but make loyal and intelligent friends.
Best Friends
: Leo and Sagittarius
Librans make charming friends who are always late! You can't stay mad at them because they're great friends… even when they're being a little possessive about you.

Scorpio Best Friends: Virgo and Capricorn

Don't cross a Scorpio or you'll never forget that sting! Otherwise, you're safe and they'll make the most loyal and helpful friends.

Sagittarius Best Friends: Libra and Aquarius

Sagittarians will love you for your sense of adventure and for your sense of humour and in return be the friend who'll answer you call even at 3 am!

Capricorn Best Friends: Scorpio and Pisces

Capricorns start friendships based on what you add to their life or will not befriend you. But if you're
 planning on taking that trip, count on them to make your itinerary and have every detail planned. 

Aquarius Best Friends: Sagittarius and Aries
Aquarians are friends with everyone but might still be a little aloof. But once the Aquarian develops an intimate friendship, there's no turning back for them.
Best Friends: Capricorn and Taurus

Pisceans might get be a little too sensitive but are very caring friends and expect an emotionally open friendship. 

Now don't go ditching your old friends if they don't come from a compatible sign, but know that the ones above are keepers for sure!

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