Monday, February 01, 2010

Men like women who drink beer !!!!!

Men, it seems, are more impressed with women who swig beer.

To them, such women appear sexy, confident, fun and independent. In fact, the men surveyed in a poll commissioned by beer company , even admitted to being turned on by girls who ordered a beer rather than a glass of wine or any other ‘girlie’ drink on a first date.

So does that mean our wine sipping, cocktail drinking days may be over? We spoke to some modern men, to find out whether they agreed with the findings of the study.

Here's what they had to say

"I would never be attracted to women who order beer over drinks like wine or cocktails. I think drinking beer makes women stink and fart. I don’t like gaseous women. " – Remo cruz, 24, journalist .

"I agree. Women who drink beer are more impressive because men love beer and like women to give them company when they have a beer once in a while!" -Aneesh Kumar, 25, architect .

"Women who prefer wine scare men off, because we think of them as high maintenance. A beer drinking girl, on the other hand, is considered to be normal… on our level. They’re more easily relatable to. Wine drinkers are very la di dah type!" -Parthiv M, 30, brand manager

"I wouldn’t really care what a women drinks, she can have what she wants, but I wouldn’t want her to drink too much beer because I wouldn’t want her to get fat!" - Shaun Lokhia, 26, businessman .

"It depends on what you want to do with the woman. If you are planning to marry her, wine is fine. If you are looking for a fling, beer probably is more… what shall I say… impressive. Why? Just the way it is." - Shiny T*, 26, journalist .

"Well, since less woman drink beer, the ones who do tend to stand out. But I don't read too much into a woman (or for that matter, a man's) choice of drink. Whatever you drink, I am only concerned about whether or not you can hold your drink." - Martin Murphy, 26, media professional .

"No, I wouldn’t be impressed with a woman who drank beer because she’d get flabby, but maybe the survey is true because a girl who drinks beer is a cheap date!" -Amol Rizvi, 25, marketing consultant.

Confused by the conclusion? So are we. Do you think men are more impressed by women who drink beer? Leave us a comment and let us know.

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